Genetic Algorithm Info

Crossover Operators

Mutation Operators

Insertion Mutation Operator

'Default Float 0 is "0.01" and represents Minimum Alleles to move. Valid Values are [0, 0.5] representing fraction of Allele Count
        'Default Float 1 is "0.5" and represents Maximum Alleles to move. Valid Values are [0, 0.5] representing fraction of Allele Count
        Sub Insertion_Mutation(ByRef child1 As PChromo)
            Dim Percentage As Double = (RAND.NextDouble * (Insertion_Master.Doubles(1) - Insertion_Master.Doubles(0))) + Insertion_Master.Doubles(0)
            Dim IndexOfFirst = 99999

            '1. Initialize Flags() - True means that value is selected for insertion. False means it isn't.
            '     IndexOfFirst tracks the index of the first value selected for insertion
            Dim Flags(AlleleCount) As Boolean
            For j As Integer = 0 To AlleleCount - 1
                If RAND.NextDouble < Percentage Then
                    If j < IndexOfFirst Then IndexOfFirst = j
                    Flags(j) = True
                    Flags(j) = False
                End If

            If IndexOfFirst = 99999 Then
            End If

            '2. Fill up NewChild up to IndexOfFirst
            Dim NewChild As New PChromo
            ReDim NewChild.Alleles(AlleleCount)
            For j As Integer = 0 To IndexOfFirst - 1
                NewChild.Alleles(j) = child1.Alleles(j)

            '3. Now, append all values selected for insertion
            Dim marker As Integer = IndexOfFirst 'this variable tracks the point to insert the next value in the newchild
            For j As Integer = IndexOfFirst To AlleleCount - 1
                If Flags(j) Then
                    NewChild.Alleles(marker) = child1.Alleles(j)
                    marker += 1
                End If

            '4. Now, go back and insert all the ones not selected for insertion
            '     remember, marker marks where we're at in regards to filling up the new child
            For j As Integer = IndexOfFirst To AlleleCount - 1
                If Not Flags(j) Then
                    NewChild.Alleles(marker) = child1.Alleles(j)
                    marker += 1
                End If

            'Copy over new kid

        End Sub